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Why get baptized? Who should be baptized? Is it time for me to be baptized? Interested in knowing more about the important steps of Baptism?

Join us for a class with a pastor where we discuss all this and more. Come listen, discuss, and ask questions in a casual setting with a small group of people wondering the very same things. It’s not a commitment, just an informational class. Afterward, your pastor will follow up with you personally to find out if you’d like to be a part of our next baptism celebration.

Special note! There are TWO Baptism classes happening November 10th!

1. One is for Elementary age kids and their parents with Pastor Mary-Margaret, 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM in Room 10 of the VKids Building. Please sign up so we know to expect you. Or contact Pastor Mary-Margaret LeRoy.

2. Adult & Youth Class will be after the Worship Celebration, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM, in the Pulse Room, located in the Cafe building. Please sign up so we know to expect you. Or contact Youth Pastor Sam Sahyouni

Baptism Sunday will be November 17th during our Worship Celebration.


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