Serving our local community and beyond.

One of our core values is to Engage in Compassionate Ministry. We lean toward the lost, the poor, the outcast, and the outsider with the compassion of Jesus as sinners whose only standing before God is utterly dependent on the mercy of God. This mercy can only be truly received inasmuch as we are willing to give it away. We believe that ministry in Jesus’ name should be expressed in concrete ways through the local church. The poor are to be served as though serving Jesus Himself. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a church expressing the love of Christ in a local community.

There are many ways we express this at Vineyard Church Augusta. We actively serve our church and community through various outreach opportunities.  You can choose from a single event outreach or ongoing outreaches.

Ongoing Outreaches

Storehouse exists to serve those in financial crisis with free groceries, prayer, and the good news of Jesus Christ. The Storehouse Food Pantry is here to help anyone who needs groceries. We strive to offer both nonperishable food from our community partners, Golden Harvest, Walmart Market, Publix, as well as fresh produce from our own Giving Farm.

As of January 2023, we became a choice pantry. This means that our church Café becomes a grocery store complete with shopping carts and recyclable shopping bags every Monday. We’re open from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM and again from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM. Volunteer opportunities include greeting, coffee bar attendant, food area server, and much more! It is our goal that everyone who comes to the Storehouse will feel valued and experience the love of Christ.

We have an organic farm right on our own campus that produces hundreds of pounds of produce annually for the Storehouse Food Pantry. In 2022, we installed hives and with the help of bee farmers we are able to offer local honey to our Storehouse clients every summer. The garden yields produce, fresh herbs, and flowers all year round. The Farm is managed by local master gardener, Elliot Price and his amazing team. Whether you are a master gardener or you just enjoy being outside, there is a place for you at the Farm.

The Compassion House is one way Vineyard Church is addressing the problem of homelessness in our community. This ministry is a partnership with Family Promise of Augusta, a local chapter of a national group that helps homeless families gain stability in their lives. When a homeless family has successfully completed Family Promise’s screening and training program, the family will be eligible to live in a transition house rent-free for up to one year. VCA’s Compassion House will serve as one of Family Promise’s transition houses.

Volunteers from VCA and the community are currently working to prepare the house and spruce up the yard. After a family moves into the house, there will be ongoing opportunities to serve with Compassion House. Click on the tab below if you would like to learn more about current and future volunteer opportunities.

This is an ongoing small group for moms of babies, toddlers, or preschoolers come together for some “me time”. This is a great opportunity to connect with other moms at a deeper level, and to share the joys and challenges of motherhood.

What to expect: to be warmly welcomed by new friends. Free childcare. Focused discussion on topics like self-care, stress management, friendship, parenting and more. Occasional craft nights. Ice breaker games. Snacks. The group meets every other Thursday evening at the church campus from 6:30-8:00 PM.

Outreach Events

Kiss ‘Em with Kindness. People always need to be reminded that God loves them, but we focus on ‘kissing’ our community every February! Volunteers prepare bundles of small bags of Hersey’s kisses, and we shower coworkers, store clerks, and anyone else with 10,000 kisses. We have the bundles available for the two Sundays surrounding Valentine’s Day.

Every year at the Augusta Pride event you’ll find Vineyard Church of Augusta as a vendor giving away free Mardi Gras beads and offering prayer. We give away hundreds of necklaces and get to pray for just as many people. We’re there to share the love and kindness of God!

For over 10 years Vineyard Church of Augusta has held a dinner dance for the special needs community and their caregivers. The event began as a dressy prom with dinner and lots of dancing. Over the past two years the event has evolved into a June luau! Our volunteers transform the Café into a tropical paradise with great food and music. Our goal is to create a fun environment where everyone knows they are valued.

Thanksgiving Gift Boxes. To serve our Storehouse Food Panty clients during Thanksgiving, we pack and distribute over 175 Thanksgiving Gift Boxes on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Volunteers come at 9AM to pack the boxes with the nonperishables needed for a Thanksgiving meal. As the registered clients arrive, we add a frozen turkey to the box. This is a great way to serve with your entire family. Distribution time is 10 AM-11 AM.

On Thanksgiving Day, VCA prepares and delivers over 600 hot Thanksgiving meals to those in public housing communities. There are several opportunities to serve. Wednesday evening leads off with packing dinner rolls, cutting cake, prepping casseroles, and much more. Early Thursday morning the cooking is finished, and the to-go plates are packed. Delivery teams head out by 9:00 AM.