“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:1

What if life didn’t have to be so rushed all the time? What if the constant input from everywhere else was to be put on pause long enough for you to listen to the Spirit of God and your own thoughts–to get centered on your needs and desires? And then, and only then, move outward with God and with a purpose and intention . . .

Contemplative Prayer is our attempt to create such a time and space in the context of our own church community. With an emphasis on silence, stillness, and waiting on the Holy Spirit, at Contemplative Prayer a thoughtful leader suggests prayer prompts that make long spaces to pause, think, listen, pray, and be renewed. During the hour, we spend time sitting still in the presence of God, meditating on Scriptures, praying silently in our hearts, some people journal, and some learn to just be with God.

Contemplative Prayer is held in the Worship Center, most second Saturdays, 9:00am-10:00am. Come as you are.

Meeting monthly in the Worship Center of Vineyard Church

Saturday, January 13th

Saturday, February 10th

Saturday, March 9th

Saturday, April 27th (see Retreats)

Saturday, May 11th

Saturday, June 8th

Break in July

Break in August

Saturday, September 14th

Weekend, October 4th-6th

Saturday, November 9th

Saturday, December 14th

The book of Acts reminds us that the Spirit of God comes when believers gather together: praying, sitting, and waiting on God.  “They all joined together constantly in prayer . . . . when the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 1 & 2

Got Questions About Contemplative Prayer?