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God’s Word encourages us to be “thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  EQUIP is offering a variety of 90-minute interactive sessions to help foster spiritual growth and train you to minister more effectively.


Topics for EQUIP:

Prayer:  Conversation with God  with Cheryl Jones

Come experience a transformative spiritual connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that leads to personal growth and inner tranquility.

Explore prayer

to begin the day,

in troubled times,

to end the day,

and without ceasing.

No pressure, just prayer!


Playing for Keeps: 90 Minutes for a Stronger Marriage   with Jim and Tina Wenzel

What’s one of the keys to a strong marriage? Showing your spouse you love them in ways they understand. Join us for a fun 90-minute session that will help husbands and wives engage one another using their preferred love language. We’ll take an inventory to better understand ourselves and our spouse, discuss the updated concept of love languages, and consider some practical ways to apply them in our marriages. We will end with time to pray together and for our spouses.


Understanding Trauma  with Tamara Noel, DSW, LCSW (Clinical Social Work/Therapist)

Experts agree that trauma leaves its imprint on our minds, brains, and bodies, and it comes back more as a reaction than a memory. Such understanding should cause us to consider just how much trauma affects our daily lives. In this workshop, we will discuss three ideas to help us journey beyond trauma to wholeness.


Hard Conversations: Reflecting Jesus While Facing the Issues  with Sam Sahyouni

In this session, we will explore ways to reflect Jesus in the midst of our world’s chronic divisiveness. We will explore five affirmations to help followers of Jesus have discerning and effective conversations IN LOVE no matter what the context or the issue.


An Introduction to Inner Healing  with Don Pearson

How does God heal the hurts of life experiences?  This session will provide an introduction and overview of the prayer ministry that focuses on inner healing.




 ***Child care is available for children 5th grade and under with reservation.  Please sign up for childcare by Monday, August 19th at Noon.

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