The Storehouse Food Pantry continues to meet the needs of folks who face food scarcity. We have also had many new partners come alongside us to serve our clients! At the beginning of the summer, we began a partnership with Oak Street Health Primary Care. Oak Street primary serves people who have Medicare. They focus on having 20-30 minutes for each client with the physician. They also provide transportation, help clients with mail order prescriptions, provide community activities, and much more.

Our clients are also the beneficiaries of the Texas Roadhouse Great Bread Give Away! The restaurant’s goal is to give away 10,000 rolls by the end of 2024 and we get to be one of those outlets.

A partnership in the works is with Serenity Health. The group is proposing a mobile mental health unit that will have a nurse and caseworker available. Clients will be able to receive mental health services regardless of insurance.

Project Refresh continues to come to the Storehouse the first Monday evening of month. They’re amazing!

We continue to be open to all of the way the Lord wants to use us to love Him and do His ministry everywhere!