When we read the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the king’s food, we tend to focus on the food aspect. So much so there is an actual Daniel Fast that’s a great spiritual discipline! But I think the underlying message is stand up for what is right with grace.
Teaching our children to stand for what is true is so important. But it is equally important to teach them how to stand up for truth. Look at Daniel. He had decided not to ‘defile’ himself with the king’s food and wine. Instead of pounding his fist on the table and refusing the food, he asked permission of the chief official. Daniel used grace, intelligence and the proper channels to do right, to stand up for what God called him and his friends to.
Our families can face very difficult situations and choices but the Holy Spirit is closer than our very breath. Our culture is chaotic, angry and loud. What a gift our families bring when we walk through difficulties in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. This requires us to totally rely on His faithfulness, just like Daniel and his friends. Our God is faithful.