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rodgerotero2024-05-22T15:03:58-04:00Are you new to contemplative prayer? Start here for a super short peek into what you can expect.
Are you new to contemplative prayer? Start here for a super short peek into what you can expect.
Don Pearson | The Holy Spirt lives in us to transform us until we naturally reflect the heart and nature of God. Then He manifests
We would LOVE to share your stories! Would you please use the QR code and write us a note telling us what the Holy spirit
Reese LeRoy | God's perfect plan is for us to be filled with His Spirit - not just once, but continually! First, the Holy Spirit
Mary-Margaret LeRoy | The Holy Spirit teaches our hearts that we belong to Him. He emboldens us to do what he’s called us to do.
Reese LeRoy | It is vital for us to know what the Holy Spirit does so that we can be open and welcoming to Him
Reese LeRoy | We continue our series on the Holy Spirit with a focus on the Spirit's nature. We need to be familiar with the
Psalms 140:12 says: I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Graciously, the Lord has allowed
Reese LeRoy | We begin the New Year with a new series on the Holy Spirit. The third person of the Trinity is a person,
Reese LeRoy | We conclude our Advent and Christmas message series with the story of Simeon and Anna who demonstrate a right and beautiful posture
Mary-Margaret LeRoy | Knowing the love of God isn't enough. We must experience his love. When we do, it's transformative peace overflows and we share
3126 Parrish Rd
Augusta, GA 30907
Phone: 706.863.9766
Fax: 706.863.5509
3126 Parrish Rd
Augusta, GA 30907
Phone: 706.863.9766
Fax: 706.863.5509
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