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What sort of small group do you dream of leading? Tell us all about it! We’re forming our small groups for the Winter Trimester that starts in January, and we would love to hear what God might be stirring in your heart.

Small groups are key context for spiritual formation. And since every spiritual journey is uniquely different, we want to foster a wide variety of spiritual communities within our church family. We want groups that meet on different days, at different times, with different focuses, in different venues, with different sizes–whatever!

To get the conversation started, please fill out our Small Group Proposal form as completely as possible. If there are a few questions you’re not 100% sure how to answer, don’t worry– we’ll help you think anything you’re unsure about. Once you submit that form, Rodger will be in touch with you about next steps for moving forward with your group idea.

We’re already praying for you, for your fabulous small group idea, and for those who will grown in their spiritual journey along with you!


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